Sarah. 5 Months.

This beautiful little girl is doing the funniest thing now: “Bla, bla, bla, bla”. She’s already aware of the importance of most everything I say, and she’s only 5 months old. I didn’t realize the importance of the things I say until much later in life, but she’s already got me figured out. Heh.

She’s working on crawling now. Not too interested in rolling over, but when it happens, it’s a function of having stuck her butt up in the air too much and gravity helping out a bit. She can move forward, but it’s not a coordinated crawl.

When we put her in her scoot seat, she slowly manages to get all over the kitchen floor in the thing (well, as all over as a straight line can get). Her little feet just can’t turn yet. 🙂

BTW, the moon winked a while back. Eclipses are cool.

Sarah, at 5 months, ready for Christmas