There’s a plugin available to add macros to SSMS, but I don’t need more than about 1 functionality: Convert a results column I just copied to a Comma Separated Values (CSV) list. Usually I select the text, run a Search & Replace, change the options to enable “Selection Only” and “Regular Expression”, type in \n\r, and , and then run the search. That’s kind of a hassle. If it’s just a small section of text, I’ll even do ye olde “end, comma, delete, repeat” carpal tunnel exercise. But I hate that, and I wanted something better.
I knew about AutoHotKey previously but didn’t know it could modify clipboard contents. So today I made some magic: Now Win+, (as in Comma Separate) is defined in the script below to:
- Search my clipboard contents for Carriage Return + Line Feeds and replace them with Commas.
- It also handles the case where I want the values wrapped in single-quotes.
- It also sorts and removes duplicates from the list.
It’s bound to Win+, in the script, and you can change that – it’s commented.
To install this, download and install AutoHotKey, then save the script below somewhere on your computer and double-click it to load it in memory (so Win+, will work). You might also put it in your Startup folder so it’s loaded every time you log in.
- Make sure the script is running
- Select some text containing line feeds – or a column of SSMS Grid results
- Copy it
- Hit Win+,
- Answer the question about single quotes (Include them or No.. or Cancel?)
- Paste it
; Lines-To-CSV.ahk ; Lines-To-CSV.ahk ; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x ; Language: English ; Platform: Win9x/NT ; Author: A.N.Other ; ; Script Function: ; Search & Replace clipboard contents: Convert line feeds to comma+space ; ; Example: ; 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; ; Becomes: 1, 2, 3 ; #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #,:: ; bind to [Win]+[,] ; Grab the current clipboard contents. Call it haystack haystack := Clipboard ; Define what we're splitting on: CR+LF needle := "\r\n" ; Check to see if there's any lines to convert here. FoundPos := RegExMatch(haystack, "\r\n") if FoundPos = 0 { MsgBox, 64, Convert Lines to CSV, Clipboard contains no lines to convert to CSV., 2 return } ; Prompt user for quote option ;MsgBox 3, Convert Clipboard Lines to CSV, Converting Clipboard lines to CSV`n`nWrap lines in single quotes? ;IfMsgBox Cancel ; return ;else IfMsgBox Yes ; quote := 1 ;else ; quote := 0 ; Can we auto-determine quote option? Get the first 10 items in the list, if they're all numeric, no quotes. ; Can always save & tweak this script as a separate hot key to force quotes. test := RegExReplace(haystack, needle, ",") quote := 0 Loop, parse, test, `, { if A_LoopField is not number { quote := 1 break } if a_index > 10 break } If quote > 0 replacement := "', '" else replacement := ", " ; Optional Sort & remove Dupes If you don't want sorting, comment this out. ; If we're using quotes, sort as text. If not using quotes, sort as numbers... ; Sort haystack, use linefeed as delimiter, remove duplicates If quote > 0 Sort, haystack, U else Sort, haystack, N U ; Perform the RegEx find and replace operation, result := RegExReplace(haystack, needle, replacement) ; If using quotes, the result string needs a first & last single quote added If quote > 0 result := "'" . result . "'" ; Empty the Clipboard Clipboard = ; Copy the result to the Clipboard. Clipboard := result ; Wait for the Clipboard to fill. ClipWait ; Optional Paste: send, {CTRLDOWN}v{CTRLUP} ;send normal paste command ; Done! return